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Customer Reviews - Pokers Dogs (or Dogs Playing Cards) by C...

118 Reviews
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This reprint of Picasso's "Old Guitarist" is just great, looks fantastic on my wall at the top of my stairs. I've wanted this for yrs. & was happy to find it! Very nicely done. Sturdy frame and canvas!
I got this for my music room and it is nicer than I thought it would be.
Great quality for the price. Can’t speak to durability as I have only just bought it (silly question to ask just after order actually!)
For me personally it's whimsical and reminds me to laff each day and not take life so seriously.
My boyfriend has always wanted this picture. The quality is great. He loved his birthday present
It is not a good quality print. It is a bit blurry. The frame work is not good, it doesn't look good at the back of the frame.
A coworker and I had an idea to get a piece of artwork for our new Engineering Lab. I mentioned getting one of these pictures with the Dogs Playing Poker, and he was in for the same sort of thing!
Fortunately we were able to find this Classic Coolidge, with a canvas "borderless" frame, that needed little more than a small hanging bracket.
The boss was not too much of a fan, but his boss loved it ! And there it hangs in the Engineering Lab along with all sorts of electronics/panels,equipment racks filling much of the room.
I got this at a great price. Not a cheap print at all, more like a brushed/textured canvas finish. Nothing but good to say about it.
Tell me, does it get more classic than this? I mean, unless you are part of the tight &ss -stuck-up club and cannot appreciate a fine piece of artwork.
I'm a musician and this picture is an homage to guitarists-young and old! It looks great hanging on my bedroom wall.
Great quality